Continuous innovation and ability to meet every customer’s specific demand through the development of targeted and environmentally friendly solutions.
Symbiagro is an Italian company active in biotechnology applied to agriculture. «Our products were created to develop new techniques for agriculture based on use of natural agents, able to promote the growth of plants and induce resistance against different diseases obtaining good yields but at the same time a reduced environmental impact», explains Alfonso cerrato, CEO.
These products are activated, in fact, by a pool of microorganisms able to improve the assimilation of nutrients by plants, allowing them to grow more vigorous and healthier, improving the resistance to many factors of physical and chemical stress. “This leads to better performance even in intensive agriculture– adds Cerrato – at affordable costs and in a sustainable and beneficial way for the environment.
Our product portfolio includes a range of innovative biofertilizers and biostimulants, with a microbiological component that promotes the natural collaboration between microorganisms and plants, whose growth is favored by the increased efficiency in the assimilation of nutrients, which is also reflected in a greater tolerance and recovery from biotic and abiotic stress”.
Symbiagro has its own headquarters, production plant and Research Centre in Roncadelle, near Brescia. ‘Since the harmful effects of many synthetic products, especially pesticides, on human health, many governments are considering and adopting action plans to reduce their consumption.
Public awareness is also growing as a result of reports about excessive levels of pesticides found in watercourses and their potential impact on the environment and health.
However, the main problem for farmers is that it would be difficult to maintain the same level of productivity per hectare and quality if all pesticides will be eliminated.
Symbiagro products are developed as a solution to this great problem, containing an innovative agricultural technology able to improve the efficiency, yield and sustainability of crops, with attention about environment impact and product performance.
These are some of the examples of what can be obtained with our products, which have been successfully tested on different types of crops:
First of all, the reduction of copper used in vineyards with equal performance; the reduction of systemic fungicides from cultivation of berry fruits by controlling botrytis, bacterioses and downy mildew; the pest control of lepidopterans in industrial tomato crops without the use of synthetic pesticides; increasing production and quality of all crops; reduce chemical or metal residues in baby leaf greenhouse’s final products.
About trials, Symbiothrive Pro az, a biostimulant based on yeast and seaweed extracts, a pool of microorganisms and aminoacidic, has been tested in order to reduce the copper presence in vineyards, with a combined action between nutrition and pest control.
Tests were conducted on vineyards located in Chianti and Franciacorta regions, in order to improve the quality of vineyards and allow a significant reduction of the copper used, up to 25%, with same morpho-physiological characteristics of the treated berries and leaf, compared to standard protocol.
Symbiomyco grow, an inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi, has been tested with success both in greenhouse nurseries in order to amplify roots of the young plants, obtaining a significant increase in root development and decrease of plant loss in nursery.
Symbiosil 2C was used on strawberry greenhouse in Spain, trying to improving the shape of berry fruits in post-harvest, increasing of eight days the shelf-life of strawberry outside the fridge.
Respect of the environment and of every living being are the milestones of Symbiagro mission, we believe that agricultural products grown in a healthier environment and an ecosystem with a higher biodiversity, lead to a higher level of customer satisfaction.
For these reasons 80 percent of our products are available for organic farming».